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User:Bua327/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1

Impression Management (Impression management)
Article Evaluation
The article is structured and inclusive of both the theorists behind impression management as well as the theory itself. The citations are relevant and accurate, but there are some sections where additional sources could be used. The subsections aren't evenly weighted, so there is potential to condense some information while adding some information to other subsections as well. Additionally, more information regarding marginalized groups could be added as well. Since different cultures hold meaning for different things, it is important to be aware of how that effects impression management across cultures as well.
Cole, B. M., & Chandler, D. (2019). A Model of Competitive Impression Management: Edison versus Westinghouse in the War of the Currents. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4), 1020–1063. https://doi.org/10.1177/0001839218821439.
Epstein Garland, M. (2014). Using The Hunger Games to Teach Impression Management Theory. Carolinas Communication Annual, 30, 95–98.
Jeong, H., & Lee, M. (2013). The Effect of Online Media Platforms on Joining Causes: The Impression Management Perspective. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 57(4), 439–455. https://doi.org/10.1080/08838151.2013.845824.

Option 2

Communication Accommodation Theory (Communication accommodation theory)
Article Evaluation
The article is structured very well. There is a link that needs a citation/wikipedia article to be created for that topic, but other than that, the citations are accurate and sufficient. The 'criticisms' and 'application' sections could be added to to add substantiality to the article or they need to be removed since they don't add to the content itself as it stands now. By adding sources in those sections, it could improve. This article includes good and relevant information.
Adams, A., Miles, J., Dunbar, N. E., & Giles, H. (2018). Communication accommodation in text messages: Exploring liking, power, and sex as predictors of textisms. Journal of Social Psychology, 158(4), 474. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224545.2017.1421895.
Jones, L., Sheeran, N., Lanyon, H., Evans, K., & Martincovic, T. (2018). Nurses’ perceptions of communicating with minority parents in a neonatal nursery: a communication accommodation theory approach. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 11(3), 175–185.
Toma, C. (2014). Towards Conceptual Convergence: An Examination of Interpersonal Adaptation. Communication Quarterly, 62(2), 155–178. https://doi.org/10.1080/01463373.2014.890116.

Option 3

Social Exchange Theory (Social exchange theory)
Article Evaluation
The article has a vast amount of information. Although the information pertains to the subject, it doesn't necessarily add to the article itself. The citations are relevant, but there are some sections that need additional citations for verification. The subsection of application mentions the theory at play with various examples including interracial marriage. Although it isn't overtly talked about, there are some instances in the article where marginalized groups are represented.
Arya Pattnaik. (2018). Social Exchange Theory: Revisiting the Scaffolding of Psychological Contract. Vidwat: The Indian Journal of Management, 11, 9–12.
Cropanzano, R., Anthony, E. L., Daniels, S. R., & Hall, A. V. (2017). Social Exchange Theory: A Critical Review with Theoretical Remedies. Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 479–516. https://doi.org/10.5465/annals.2015.0099.
Ham, C.-D., Lee, J., Hayes, J. L., & Bae, Y. H. (2019). Exploring sharing behaviors across social media platforms. International Journal of Market Research, 61(2), 157–177. https://doi.org/10.1177/1470785318782790.

Option 4

Uncertainty Reduction Theory (Uncertainty reduction theory)
Article Evaluation
The article is very well structured and relevant. However, there is a lot of detailed information that isn't necessarily pertinent to the understanding of the theory. It would help to reduce and compact the information into more relevant subsections rather than having it displayed as disjointedly as it is. The author did note how various cultures interact with this theory, so there are some marginalized groups included in the article. The references are correctly cited, but there could be some additional outside sources used as well to help supplement the article.
Aspers, P. P. (chair), 1970. (2018). Forms of uncertainty reduction: decision, valuation, and contest. Theory and Society, 47(2), 133–149. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11186-018-9311-0.
May, A., & Tenzek, K. (2011). Seeking Mrs. Right: Uncertainty Reduction in Online Surrogacy Ads. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 12(1), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.1080/17459435.2011.601522.

Option 5

Labeling Theory (Labeling theory)
Article Evaluation
The article's content is mostly relevant to the topic. Rather than focusing on theorists, I would focus more on the theory itself and its evolution as culture and context have changed. Although the article is written neutrally, there are some missing citations. Specifically in the criminal, the mentally ill, and the homosexual sections, marginalized groups are represented, but not as much as they could be. I would go a step further in those sections to talk about how their representation and society has perpetually labeled them in a negative light (i.e. racial profiling). Even though this article is already drafted, there is still much to be added and edited.
Besemer, S., Farrington, D. P., & Bijleveld, C. C. J. H. (2017). Labeling and intergenerational transmission of crime: The interaction between criminal justice intervention and a convicted parent. PLoS ONE, 12(3), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0172419.
Rotenberg, M. (1974). Self-Labelling: A Missing Link in the 'Societal Reaction' Theory of Deviance. Sociological Review, 22(3), 335-354. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-954X.1974.tb00257.x
Sreenivansan, S., Devlin, D., Smee, D. E., Weinberger, L. E., & Garrick, T. (2016). Toxic Boomerang: The Effect of Psychiatric Diagnostic Labeling Upon the Labeler. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 13(1), 33-42.